By now, the "teleserye" Forevermore is done and over with...but it sure had catapulted a lot of people and things into stardom...including a new tourist spot: the famed La Presa - a a place where "kambal" strawberry are grown, purportedly found on top of Mt. Cabuyao...
Nozomi Blues
Huwebes, Setyembre 1, 2016
Linggo, Oktubre 25, 2015
10 months...
10 months has already just 2 short months, it will soon be a year since he and his comrades died...
and where am I now? not struggling anymore...but still trying to what purpose...
as I looked back at his wedding pictures taken October of last year I realized that time flies so fast that it makes so many things so insignificant...
10 months today I lost a friend...and I am still trying to find answers why...
why a very lively, gentle and generous person was no longer in our midst...
why a very loyal and thoughtful friend is gone...
he exists only in my pictures, videos, news...
in the hearts of the people whom he have touched...
time heals all they say. I do hope so.
Martes, Enero 27, 2015
Missed Chances...
A Letter I Should Have Written
I enjoy expressing myself in letters, so I'm quite baffled now to realize I never wrote you one...maybe it was foolish of me to believe that you would always be there...that all of us would enjoy long life and die when we are already old. texted me, saying you are in Manila at the moment. You asked if Sam and I were still working in Manila...I answered no...Sam has long been staying in Pangasinan and I have already transferred to Nueva Ecija.
You asked again if anyone is free to meet up...I excused myself reasoning I have some chores to do in Baguio. You replied commenting its quite sad that you'd have to spend your time then in Manila alone. I texted back, (in a very humoous tone) "Well, kung minsan, may mga pagkakataon talagang kailangan nating mag-isa..."
I did not known then that...that would be the last time that I would hear from you...alive. (Had I you think I would have dropped whatever I was doing at that time to meet up?)
The next time I did hear from you was when I was tagged in an FB post...your name was on the list of casualties of the BIFF-MILF and PNP-SAF encounter in Maguindanao last January 25.
At first I felt indifferent, it didn't really sink in at all...until the text messages came pouring in...and the calls came...I don't know I said...I have no news yet...
The whole afternoon passed by...and I was still in denial...I felt numb.
Later that evening, as I was scanning the different news articles written about the incident where you were involved in...the tears came pouring out in a I kept seeing your name in one page and in another...realization set in and the little hope that I have held on tight slowly slipped away...
After your parents have confirmed it that you are indeed was until then that I realized the gravity of the situation. All hopes, dreams, wishes...gone away.
My thoughts suddenly went back to your wedding last October...picturing your easy smile...your happy face...beaming at your pretty wife...laughing with your comrades. During the reception, as you were dancing with your wife and your family...I smiled and was amazed...I even said that the two of you made the impossible: two different cultures (North and South) coming together in one perfect union.
I look back further...and remember you during our college days, before you transferred to PNPA and embarked on your police career: the cheerful, helpful, understanding, energetic, reliable, unique, intelligent and very mature Gednat...qualities that you possessed till your death, qualities that endeared you to others.
You were with us in BSU for 2 years...short time but we have come to know you well, and built a friendship that lasted until now. The experiences and memories that we have created in that time will continue to live even if you are gone... are a very good friend...
You were the one that would initiate little re-unions...I recall you would visit us at BSU (when we were still undergrads) during your short breaks from the academy.
When you were stationed in Rizal and Sam and I were working in Manila, you would insist on meeting us if you get a break during your training. On one occasion, you and Sam even had to wait till 11pm for me to get back from my duty in Laguna!-just so we could grab a late night dinner and be able to chat.
No matter where you matter how far, you would still keep in touch. A simple hi and hello...but you never did forget.
At that point I stopped and wondered...why you? Gednat...who is full of promise...he who is full of life! You who had a lot of things to look forward to, you just settled down and is planning to start your was unfair that even before you were able to get a head-start in life, everything was snatched away in an instant!
That unfortunate incident last Sunday took away your life and the life of numerous others...promising lives that were cut off abruptly...maybe that what makes it were taken away so suddenly that we had no time to comprehend what was happening until it was too late.
The pain I am feeling right now mirrors what our other friends are feeling...we are all mourning your loss...and is still on the throes of coming to terms of the fact that we will never see your happy smile again, except in our memories...
Yet I know, the pain I am experiencing would not compare to the grief your wife and family would be feeling right now...their loss is great indeed...and my heart cries even more.
It's actually weird, do you recall the last time we came together as DVM-T1? It was during Dorcas' funeral way back in (2008 ?)...and we hope to come again together...for you. We hope to come together for your vigil... a long would take time before we can finally accept what happened...but the void you left would leave a scar. We miss you so much already.
I am praying...and hoping...that you are in a better place now...that from wherever you are up there, may you look down on us here and smile upon us...look upon us fondly and guide us as we try to move on with our lives...
Farewell dear friend...
Sincerely yours,
I enjoy expressing myself in letters, so I'm quite baffled now to realize I never wrote you one...maybe it was foolish of me to believe that you would always be there...that all of us would enjoy long life and die when we are already old. texted me, saying you are in Manila at the moment. You asked if Sam and I were still working in Manila...I answered no...Sam has long been staying in Pangasinan and I have already transferred to Nueva Ecija.
You asked again if anyone is free to meet up...I excused myself reasoning I have some chores to do in Baguio. You replied commenting its quite sad that you'd have to spend your time then in Manila alone. I texted back, (in a very humoous tone) "Well, kung minsan, may mga pagkakataon talagang kailangan nating mag-isa..."
I did not known then that...that would be the last time that I would hear from you...alive. (Had I you think I would have dropped whatever I was doing at that time to meet up?)

At first I felt indifferent, it didn't really sink in at all...until the text messages came pouring in...and the calls came...I don't know I said...I have no news yet...
The whole afternoon passed by...and I was still in denial...I felt numb.
Later that evening, as I was scanning the different news articles written about the incident where you were involved in...the tears came pouring out in a I kept seeing your name in one page and in another...realization set in and the little hope that I have held on tight slowly slipped away...
After your parents have confirmed it that you are indeed was until then that I realized the gravity of the situation. All hopes, dreams, wishes...gone away.
I look back further...and remember you during our college days, before you transferred to PNPA and embarked on your police career: the cheerful, helpful, understanding, energetic, reliable, unique, intelligent and very mature Gednat...qualities that you possessed till your death, qualities that endeared you to others.
You were with us in BSU for 2 years...short time but we have come to know you well, and built a friendship that lasted until now. The experiences and memories that we have created in that time will continue to live even if you are gone... are a very good friend...
When you were stationed in Rizal and Sam and I were working in Manila, you would insist on meeting us if you get a break during your training. On one occasion, you and Sam even had to wait till 11pm for me to get back from my duty in Laguna!-just so we could grab a late night dinner and be able to chat.
No matter where you matter how far, you would still keep in touch. A simple hi and hello...but you never did forget.
That unfortunate incident last Sunday took away your life and the life of numerous others...promising lives that were cut off abruptly...maybe that what makes it were taken away so suddenly that we had no time to comprehend what was happening until it was too late.
The pain I am feeling right now mirrors what our other friends are feeling...we are all mourning your loss...and is still on the throes of coming to terms of the fact that we will never see your happy smile again, except in our memories...
Yet I know, the pain I am experiencing would not compare to the grief your wife and family would be feeling right now...their loss is great indeed...and my heart cries even more.
It's actually weird, do you recall the last time we came together as DVM-T1? It was during Dorcas' funeral way back in (2008 ?)...and we hope to come again together...for you. We hope to come together for your vigil... a long would take time before we can finally accept what happened...but the void you left would leave a scar. We miss you so much already.
I am praying...and hoping...that you are in a better place now...that from wherever you are up there, may you look down on us here and smile upon us...look upon us fondly and guide us as we try to move on with our lives...
Farewell dear friend...
Sincerely yours,
Martes, Oktubre 21, 2014
Biyernes, Oktubre 17, 2014
ICT and My Work: A typical day in my life as a Veterinarian
“Technology can improve the clinic practice’s efficiency and
in some cases, even the quality of veterinary medicine and surgery. And without
question, it’ll improve the client’s perception of value.” (Dr Mark
Opperman 2013)
Technology in the workplace has indeed changed the way we communicate. It is much easier now to get in touch with our clients - to schedule appointments, to monitor a patient's progress, to update a client regarding their confined pet, to relay information or laboratory/medical results, or to call them up to get their consent to do necessary interventions in cases of emergency.
It's ten in the morning, with a hot cup of coffee in my hand, I hurriedly made my way to the information desk to answer the telephone that have been persistently ringing. A client was calling to confirm his appointment at 10.30am, and to verify if "Bonnie's" attending vet has already arrived. I assured the client that yes, his slot is reserved and that the vet is already in.
12 noon, just before we go on our lunch break, we hurriedly called and texted our clients to remind them of their pets' rabies/5in1/kennel cough vaccination, deworming, treatment and grooming schedules and follow-up consultations for the next day.
Though it is not actually part of our job to remind our clients about
their pet's schedules (because, of course, it's part of being a responsible owner to be aware of your pet's vaccination schedules), we don't really mind doing it because many appreciate the effort we put in to call or
text them when Pinto's rabies vaccine or Panda's deworming schedule is
due tomorrow. Taking time to remind our clients helps them to be aware and mindful of their pets' health status.
Also, putting extra time and effort in fixing appointments increases
the clinic sales and client turn-over. More clients coming in through
the door means we are also busy!
At 2 pm, a referral from another clinic (from the next town) came in, after reading the referral note, I quickly contacted the attending vet to request additional information. After a short chit-chat, the attending vet simply sent me the needed documents via fax. He also e-mailed me the patient's medical files and also the laboratory results that would aid me in the diagnosis and treatment.
7pm, Mrs. M is quite late in picking up Astro. Earlier, I asked my kennel assistants to groom Astro and remove the stains on his coat. I administered his medication for the evening and made sure he was already fed. I have already prepared his take-home medications and carefully written down the instructions how to administer them. When Mrs. M stepped in the clinic, Astro tugged on his leash and tried to get close to his owner. Mrs M brought Astro's "yaya" along and while Mrs M was busy hugging and petting Astro, I gave the yaya the detailed instructions on how to administer the necessary medications. After the lengthy conversation, Mrs M approached the counter to pay the bill. With heartful thank yous from Mrs M and me responding call us if there would be any problems, the trio exited the building, Astro in the lead heading for the waiting car.
Tomorrow brings another day in a busy clinic life. :)
Sabado, Setyembre 27, 2014
My views on being a Vet...
Being a veterinarian is not as easy at it may seem...
but it can be as fun as well!
Five years...I'm quite proud to say I have been in the practice for five years now, joining the veterinary profession way back in 2009...and it has been quite a journey.
From the moment I received my license, my first clinic job, followed by two more clinics...the span of five years flew by in a blur as I went through my daily routine. Clinic duty...routine check ups, surgeries, diagnostics, laboratory examinations, emergency procedures...I loved every moment of it! I took every chance to learn from each case, to sharpen my skills and broaden my knowledge about animal diseases, disease diagnosis and proper treatment.
Even though being a vet is a very decent and honorable does have its flaws...just like any other profession it seems.
Though I hate to admit it, the clinic setting is a tough one, a cut-throat set-up of survival of the fittest, or rather, survival of the strongest, both emotionally and physically. In a clinic setting, I found out that it is sometimes hard to separate your emotions and to remain unaffected by things and situations happening around you.
A beloved pet suddenly becomes sick...a surgery that has to be performed to save a pet's life...the choice of putting down aka euthanasia... emotions and tension can run...and if not held in check, could veer off the wrong direction. And that truth was quite hard for me to take. Studies show that
veterinarians are high-risk individuals for depression - owing much to
the perception and expectations that we have to meet. It is a stressful
and draining job...sometimes reaching to the point where you give until
"the well is dry" and despite that still continue to give more....
"Veterinary medicine is more than a career: It is a calling
that attracts compassionate individuals who want to help animals stay
healthy and to care for those that are ill and injured. The very nature
of our profession calls for caring for our clients through their
suffering and sorrow, often at our own emotional and physical cost—the
“cost of caring,” or compassion fatigue.
Compassion fatigue is characterized by a deep physical and emotional exhaustion and a pronounced change in the ability to feel empathy for patients, loved ones, and team members. Marked by increased cynicism at work and a loss of professional enjoyment, it attacks our empathy and compassion for others—likely the very reasons we became veterinary professionals." (for the full article, go to: )
"Compassion fatigue"
At first I was utterly clueless what it meant...until I fully understood it and realize that I have been suffering from it for several months before I finally decided to give up and quit my job in a busy city clinic and transferred to a small rural one. It was a hard and painful decision, but it had to be done. I reached the tipping point where I cared so little, it took so much effort to come to work everyday and be a team-player, I was prone to make errors and was not able to finish assigned tasks on time. Eventually, I let the negative feelings and events get the best of me.
At first I was utterly clueless what it meant...until I fully understood it and realize that I have been suffering from it for several months before I finally decided to give up and quit my job in a busy city clinic and transferred to a small rural one. It was a hard and painful decision, but it had to be done. I reached the tipping point where I cared so little, it took so much effort to come to work everyday and be a team-player, I was prone to make errors and was not able to finish assigned tasks on time. Eventually, I let the negative feelings and events get the best of me.
On the bright side, anyone can recover from compassion fatigue...and companionship and support from others would really help very much.
Also, simply getting into the habit of pausing to experience the satisfaction of our work can be a tremendous benefit.
As veterinarians, in our quest to help our patients, to heal and to take good care of them, we should never forget to take a step back and remember that there is an ethical mandate to take care of ourselves as well.
traveling and exploring
Traveling and Exploring
By Nozomiblues
"Why bother setting goals? Why bother with journeys?"
I love traveling and exploring, going to tourists spots around the Philippines...both famous and unheard of...but I often prefer the less known areas, since the crowd there is smaller.
I was exposed to traveling and exploring at a very young age...
In my family, out-of-town trips were a normal occurrence while we were kids...
and still continued even when we are now adults.
Though unintentionally, my parents have nurtured
and encouraged the adventurous spirit in me...
Traveling has taught me a lot of lessons... some lessons that have been useful as I go through my life. Through my several journeys I have met different people from all walks of life... And even if the encounter was brief, each one making their impact in my life, some even gave advices that I badly needed at that time...
I go on short trips to calm my mind, to soothe my tired spirit and to energize my do a little bit of soul-searching and of course, the main agenda: to meditate and to relax... :)
Most of the time we find excuses not to go,
we find reasons to postpone and to delay
because we are too busy with daily life chores,
or it is simply not the right time...
But really, there is never a "perfect time" for things...
Why? The truth is, you have to make your perfect time.
My advise: go!Once in a while put down you baggage and go on a journey.
So, just go...and discover more...
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